Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Recently my friend hit me up with an email and sent me a link to You Tube to watch an episode called Tujuane. It has been now a couple of months since I first heard of it, however, I had been caught up in this dissertation cycle. Opening the link was like opening a can of worms I couldn't not  sleep that night. Instead I was glued to my screen and I indulged  episode after episode.

This gave me rather a clear picture of what the dating scene is like in Kenya. In my opinion it is okay to have a blind date go bad, apparently that is nothing too far from the norm. However, If it goes bad and you have a million viewers watching it, one should be prepared to face the wrath of  opinionated social media participants. Look at what happened to Susan here. (the poor girl) I would say i could pin point a million girls who do the same on dates, the only difference is they do not do it on national television (wise)

There is a lot of stereotyping  that happened on many of this dates. Where do you live? (apparently its either you live uptown ama estlando!). Some girls say they don't like talking in Kiswahili (watch this). Being a great fan of Churchill Show, I wonder what happens when Ayeiya is on stage. Would the same girls say... i have no idea what he is saying, I bet they would be laughing their asses off.

I have a set of rules that I stick to when going on a blind date that helps me have a really great time or enables me pull through an excruciatingly boring date . Dating is a great chance to meet people and know their story, there is beauty in diversity.Before you show up for a date, ge a hint of who the other person is, do this through emails , social media, texts or even a phone conversation. That is one way of preventing impending disaster. I believe within 10 minutes of having a truly genuine conversation you can tell if it is worth it to meet this person. Thats why some ladies get dissaponted when they find they have been sent on a date with a 22 year old and they a nearly clocking their late 20's (or 30's) like this one.

Do not have unreasonable expectations of your date, don't always expect to find a Taye Diggs (i so dig him) or a knight in shinng armour waiting at your table.

Be ready to take what embrace what comes your way, because you would have been seated home watching TV.. most likely bored in over sized jumpers or a stocking on your hair. Dress appropriately! it may be good to find out before hand where you might be going not to end up dresses in formal wear then go out on a skating date!

Make the date casual, as the saying goes 'Its never that serious'. Keep the conversation simple, its not an interview for your future spouse. Do not impose you personal values on your date, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so keep an open mind. Ask open ended questions and make sure the conversation does not revolve around yourself. talk about current affairs, television programs, movies, books, hobbies and interests and avoid very controversial issues such as politics, how much they earn and religious beliefs. However getting past that boring date, needs extra special effort, always tell yourself. its only this one date and give it 30 minutes ( suck up and make it as brief as possible). This will save you from those coma- inducing boring dates!

Be yourself, humility is a virtue and focus on common talking point with your date rather than try and show your date how much better you are than him... or how you are out of his league. Be kind and polite, however do not be too accommodating, if vulgar language is used to too suggestive personal contact it is vital that you highlight some personal boundaries in a cordial manner. Carry some cash just in case you have to foot the bill, Ladies it doesn't mean that if the guy doesn't pay he is an outright loser.... but guys if you do pay, you score higher. I believe if a guy asks a girl out he should stick to the 3-P rule. Plan, Prepare and Pay!

How much fun you have on a date is entirely dependent on you! Just because you had a terrible blind date doesnt mean you write -off blind dates completely! The best part is even if the current date doesn't work out (which is very okay).. you are a step closer to finding what you really want!